Friday, January 13, 2006

Council chief executive suspended

13 January 2006 – BBC Wales Website

Councillors in Swansea have suspended their own chief executive while he is investigated over a planning issue at his Gower home.

Tim Thorogood has been off work since questions were raised in December over work done to his house near Rhossili.

The investigation will focus on an application made for a detached garage and workshop at his property.

The authority's general purposes panel said on Friday he would be suspended until the investigation was completed.

In a statement the authority said: "The panel decided that there is a case to answer and suspended Mr Thorogood, pending a full investigation to be carried out by a designated independent person, as legally required.

"The independent investigator will be appointed at the earliest opportunity and a report will be brought to the authority at a later date."

Mr Thorogood, who took up the £120,000-a-year post three years ago, was given approval for the garage retrospectively.

Mr Thorogood's representative said he was disappointed by the decision.
He acknowledged some minor breaches of planning permission, which he said had now been rectified.

Bu he denied that there had been any misconduct.