Wednesday, December 28, 2005


28 December 2005 - Evening Post

Swansea Council will take emergency action to ensure its multi-million pound eGovernment contract goes ahead. A special cabinet meeting will be held on Friday to give deputy chief executive David Daycock the power to sign the massive deal with IT firm Capgemini.

Chief executive Tim Thorogood was due to sign the agreement, but is involved in a planning row over the development of a garage at his luxury Gower home.

He could be suspended by a panel of councillors on Friday, while formal complaints about the construction of the garage are looked at by an independent investigator. That could have left the deal with Capgemini in jeopardy.

The company is the council's partner for its eGovernment programme, which is intended to modernise the authority's computer systems and working practices. It aims to cut down on duplication, improve efficiency and create one stop shops for council queries.

The council's IT staff are due to be transferred over to Capgemini in the new year, increasing the urgency for a deal to be signed.

The pressure has been increased since last week's allegations against the chief executive, which reportedly saw him leave County Hall.

t followed complaints about a garage he had permission to build in January this year.

Council planners asked him to submit a retrospective application in September after questions were raised about the number of windows in the garage.

It has now been claimed the garage is equipped with a kitchen, sleeping facilities and en suite bathrooms, none of which were part of his planning permission.

An investigation into the claims is now expected to be conducted and could see Mr Thorogood suspended and Mr Daycock take the reins of the council in his place